NEXT on the Viva Voce calendar …

Looking Up

Sunday, 13 April at 4pm
St Matthew-in-the-City, 132 Hobson Street, Auckland CBD

The Easter story has inspired choral music of such richness and emotional depth that even secular choirs are often drawn to it. Viva Voce performed its first Easter concert in 1993, when we were 8, and we’ve revisited the theme three times since. In our 40th anniversary year, then, it seems appropriate to offer a fifth performance of this wonderful music.

The jewel in our programme is Domenico Scarlatti’s superb yet seldom-performed ‘Stabat Mater’ of 1715 – a virtuosic Baroque masterpiece written for 10 voice parts and distinguished by its inventiveness, dramatic sweeps, rich colours, lyrical sweetness and clarity.

Encircling this work will be several other gems, including the fine ‘O crux splendidior’ by Renaissance master Peter Philips, a stunning version of the same text by 20th century Norwegian composer Knut Nystedt, Francis Poulenc’s atmospheric ‘Tenebrae factae sunt’ and David Hamilton’s short but beautiful setting of the verse from Lamentations, ‘O vos omnes’.

Do join us for this special recital of Easter choral masterpieces in the atmospheric and resonant surrounds of St Matthew-in-the-City!

Check back soon for more details about our exciting 40th anniversary concert series! Or – better still – sign up for our mailing list using the form above and always get the latest VV updates in your inbox.
